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Interface: RequestHandlerTemplate

Configuration for how to construct an HTTP request for a code-free formula definition created using makeTranslateObjectFormula.


  name: "FetchWidget",
  description: "Fetches a widget.",
  parameters: [
    coda.makeParameter({type: coda.ParameterType.String, name: "id"}),
    coda.makeParameter({type: coda.ParameterType.String, name: "outputFormat"}),
  request: {
    method: "GET",
    url: "{id}",
    nameMapping: {outputFormat: "format"},
    transforms: {
      format: function(value) {
        return value.toLowerCase();
    queryParams: ["format"],

If the user calls this formula as FetchWidget("abc123", "JSON"), this will make a GET request to



Optional bodyParams: string[]

The names of parameters that should be included in the request body, if applicable.

That is, if some of the formula parameters should go into the URL and others should go into the body, specify the subset of parameters here that should go into the body. If all of the formula parameters should go into the body, list all of the parameter names here.

These are the mapped names if you are using nameMapping.

Defined in



Optional bodyTemplate: object

A base JavaScript object to be used as the body payload. Any parameters named in bodyParams will be merged into this object, and the resulting object will be stringified and sent as the body.

Defined in



Optional headers: Object

Any HTTP headers to include in the request.

Index signature

▪ [header: string]: string

Defined in



method: "GET" | "PATCH" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE"

The HTTP method (verb) to use, e.g. "GET".

If making a POST request or any request that uses a body payload, the body is assumed to be JSON.

Defined in



Optional nameMapping: Object

An optional mapping from the name of a formula parameter to the name of a URL parameter or template substitution variable in the body or URL path.

Fetcher requests are constructed by inserting the user's parameter values into the URL or body. You may use the formula parameter names to in your insertion templates or as URL parameter names, but you may also use this mapping to rename the formula parameters, if you wish to refer to them differently in your implementation than how you present them to users.

Index signature

▪ [functionParamName: string]: string

Defined in



Optional queryParams: string[]

The names of parameters that should be included in the request URL.

That is, if some of the formula parameters should go into the URL and others should go into the body, specify the subset of parameters here that should go into the URL. If all of the formula parameters should become URL parameters, list all of the parameter names here.

These are the mapped names if you are using nameMapping.

Defined in



Optional transforms: Object

Optional transformations to apply to formula parameters. By default formula parameters are passed through as-is to wherever you indicate in the fetcher request. However, if you wish to tweak their values before constructing the request, you can apply transformations here. The key is the name of the field, which is either the name of the formula parameter, or the mapped name for that parameter if you specified a nameMapping. The value is a JavaScript function that takes a user-provided parameter value and returns the value that should be used in the request.

Index signature

▪ [name: string]: (val: any) => any

Defined in



url: string

The URL to fetch.

The path of the URL can include strong formatting directives that can be replaced with formula parameters, e.g. "{name}".

Defined in
