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Add custom formulas

Formulas are one of the most basic building blocks in Coda; used to calculate values, filter tables, and so much more. Coda provides a wide array of built-in formulas, and using Packs you can add your own custom formulas. Once your Pack is installed in a doc you can use those custom formulas anywhere, intermingling them with built-in formulas or those from other Packs.

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Actions are created using formulas annotated with isAction: true. Action formulas are very similar to calculation formulas, but differ in some important ways. To learn more about these differences see the Actions guide.

Structure of a formula

A formula definition consists of a set of key-value pairs, which specify the various settings for the formula. Most of these settings are metadata, such as the name, description, parameters and result type. The actual code that is run each time the formula recalculated is specified using in the execute key.

Mapping of formula coda to formula editor.


The name of a formula can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. This restriction exists to ensure that custom formulas are compatible with the Coda Formula Language. By convention formula names are written in upper camel case, like DoSomethingCool.

Formula names must be unique within a Pack, but can be the same as built-in formulas or those in other Packs. When a doc has access to multiple formulas with the same name the Pack's icon is used to distinguish them.

Icons used to disambiguate formulas


Formulas can accept parameters, which is the primary way for them to access data from the document. See the Parameters guide for more information and examples.


All formulas must return a result, which is a single value matching the type specified in the resultType property of the formula definition. See the Data types guide for more information on the type of values that can be returned.


Formulas can use authentication to fetch private data. When using system authentication there is no change to the user experience, but when you use user authentication the formula editor will be automatically updated to prompt for a connected account. The connected account will appear as the first parameter of the formula, but its value is not passed to your formula's execute method.

Account parameter in formula editor

  type: coda.AuthenticationType.HeaderBearerToken,
  instructionsUrl: "",

  name: "GetTask",
  description: "Gets a Todoist task by URL",
  parameters: [
      type: coda.ParameterType.String,
      name: "url",
      description: "The URL of the task",
  // ...
  execute: async function ([url], context) {
    // ...

By default if a Pack defines an authentication method then all formulas will require a connected account. You can change this behavior using the connectionRequirement property of the formula definition. Setting it to Optional makes the user account optional, and None removes the account parameter completely.

While it's possible to use multiple accounts within a document, each instance of the formula must use a specific account. It isn't possible to have a formula that uses the account of whichever user is currently viewing the document. It's important for collaboration that all users in a Coda doc have access to the same data.


For performance reasons all formula results are cached by default. If your formula is called again with the same parameters, Coda will attempt to load the result from the cache instead of re-running your code. Building or releasing a new version of your Pack will invalidate this cache, ensuring you get fresh results using your new code.

You can adjust the caching behavior by setting the cacheTtlSecs field on the formula definition, which specifies for how many seconds the result should be cached. To disable caching for a formula set cacheTtlSecs to zero.


In addition to caching formula results, Coda also caches the fetcher responses. To get truly fresh results you may need to disable that caching as well.


Coda has complex logic that determines when formula results need to be recalculated. Formulas will always recalculate when the parameter values change, but it will also happen periodically for other reasons including routine maintenance. In general you shouldn't make any assumptions about how often your formula will be run. If running your formula is expensive in some way (API cost, etc) make sure to use caching and rate limits to limit the impact of recalculation.

Building or releasing a new version of your Pack doesn't automatically cause existing formulas to recalculate, so users may still see old results for a while. In the Settings tab of the Pack's side panel there is a "Refresh now" button () that allows users to recalculate all formulas using the Pack. Pack makers also have access to the Auto-refresh when version changes toggle, which will do this automatically for the current window for each new Pack version.

Recalculation settings in the Pack side panel