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Interface: ObjectSchemaDefinition<K, L>

A schema definition for an object value (a value with key-value pairs).

Type parameters

Name Type
K extends string
L extends string


  • BaseSchema




Optional codaType: Person | Reference

A hint for how Coda should interpret and render this object value.

For example, an object can represent a person (user) in a Coda doc, with properties for the email address of the person and their name. Using ValueHintType.Person tells Coda to render such a value as an @-reference to that person, rather than a basic object schip.

Defined in



Optional description: string

A explanation of this object schema property shown to the user in the UI.

If your pack has an object schema with many properties, it may be useful to explain the purpose or contents of any property that is not self-evident.

Inherited from


Defined in


Optional featured: L[]

A list of property names from within properties for the "featured" properties of this object, used in sync tables. When a sync table is first added to a document, columns are created for each of the featured properties. The user can easily add additional columns for any other properties, as desired.

This distinction exists for cases where a sync table may include dozens of properties, which would create a very wide table that is difficult to use. Featuring properties allows a sync table to be created with the most useful columns created by default, and the user can add additional columns as they find them useful.

Non-featured properties can always be referenced in formulas regardless of whether column projections have been created for them.

Defined in



Optional id: K

The name of a property within properties that represents a unique id for this object. Sync table schemas must specify an id property, which uniquely identify each synced row.

Defined in



Optional identity: IdentityDefinition

An identity for this schema, if this schema is important enough to be named and referenced. See IdentityDefinition.

Defined in



Optional primary: K

The name of a property within properties that be used to label this object in the UI. Object values can contain many properties and the Coda UI will display them as a "chip" with only the value of the "primary" property used as the chip's label. The other properties can be seen when hovering over the chip.

Defined in



properties: ObjectSchemaProperties<K | L>

Definintion of the key-value pairs in this object.

Defined in



type: Object

Identifies this schema as an object schema.

Defined in
