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This page lists some of the notable changes introduced in each version of the SDK. For a complete list of changes follow the GitHub repository.


  • Breaking Change The connection requirement for metadata formulas now defaults to optional instead of required. If your pack is using sematic versions, this will likely lead to a major version bump in your next release.
  • An optional "description" field is added to sync table definition, that will be used to display in the UI.
  • You no longer need to use the --fetch flag with coda execute to use a real fetcher. Set --no-fetch to use a mock fetcher (the old default behavior).
  • OAuth2 authentication now supports a scopeDelimiter option for non-compliant APIs that use something other than a space to delimit OAuth scopes in authorization URLs.
  • Deprecated hidden field is now fully removed on formula parameter.


  • Fixed a typo that broke local fetcher testing with a pack using the AuthenticationType.Custom authentication.
  • Fixed a bug where examples using array parameters would fail upload validation.
  • Fixed an inconsistency where SetEndpoint.getOptionsFormulas required using the obsolete makeMetadataFormula wrapper instead of allowing you to provide a raw function.
  • Formulas that use optional parameters can specify undefined for an omitted parameter in examples.


  • Fixed missing schema description in compiled metadata.
  • Fixed the fetcher to properly recognize more XML content type headers and parse those responses int objects using xml2js.
  • Previously only text/xml and application/xml were recognized, but headers like application/atom+xml were ignored and response bodies returned as strings.
  • Fixed coda init and coda execute to stop throwing errors on Windows.


  • Update internal authentication mechanisms for interacting with AWS. Not currently available externally.
  • makeObjectSchema no longer requires you to redundantly specify type: ValueType.Object in your schema definition.
  • Added support for AuthenticationType.Custom which formalizes the ability to use templating to insert secret credentials onto network requests that previously relied on AuthenticationType.WebBasic. This enables authenticating with APIs that use non-standard authentication methods. See an example of using this new authentication method below.
    // pack authentication
      type: AuthenticationType.Custom,
      params: [{name: 'secretId', description: 'Secret id'},
              {name: 'secretValue', description: 'Secret value'}])
    // ...
    // in a formula or sync table
    execute: async function([], context) {
      let secretIdTemplateName = "secretId-" + context.invocationToken;
      let urlWithSecret = "/api/entities/{{" + secretIdTemplateName + "}}"
      let secretValueTemplateName = "secretValue-" + context.invocationToken;
      let secretHeader = 'Authorization  {{"' + secretValueTemplateName + '"}}';
      let bodyWithSecret = JSON.stringify({
        key: "{{" + secretValueTemplateName + "}}",
        otherBodyParam: "foo",
      let response = await context.fetcher.fetch({
        method: "GET",
        url: urlWithSecret,
        body: bodyWithSecret,
        headers: {
          'X-Custom-Authorization-Header': secretHeader,


  • Pack bundle format is changed to IIFE to fix occasional stacktrace misinterpretation. Previously compiled bundles will still be supported but may suffer from inaccurate sourcemap issue until the pack is built with the new SDK.


  • Breaking Change Column Formats must now use only real Regex objects in their matchers array.

  • If your pack uses fake timers (to simulate setTimeout) you can now store this as a persistent build option. Previously, you had to remember to include the flag --timerStrategy=fake any time you used any of the coda CLI commands. Now you can run coda setOption path/to/pack.ts timerStrategy fake and it will store the option persistently in your .coda-pack.json file and use it for all builds.


  • Breaking Change context.logger has been removed. It has been redundant with console.log for a while, so we've eliminated the unnecessary extra interface to avoid confusion. (Also console.trace/debug/warn/info/error are all valid.)

  • Formula return types are now strong-typed (except if you are using the fromKey attribute of object properties).

  • CLI coda execute now defaults to run with vm. To execute without vm, use --no-vm.

  • Bug fix: Numeric and string codaType properties are no longer erroneously removed in upload validation.

  • CLI: You may omit a Pack version in your definition, either by using the pack builder (coda.newPack()) or using the BasicPackDefinition type (if you are using TypeScript). When you upload your pack, the next available version number will be selected and assigned on your behalf. This behavior matches what happens in the web editor.

  • CLI: coda release no longer requires an explicit Pack version to release a Pack version (if no Pack version is supplied, the latest version is marked for release instead).


  • Bug fix: Executing sync table formulas via CLI now validates results correctly.


  • Make a few testing functions (e.g. executeFormulaFromPackDef) optionally typed.

  • Update StatusCodeError constructor, which now requires the fetch request.


  • Fixed a bug where using pack.setSystemAuthentication() would add a required connection parameter to every formula.


  • Fixed a bug where using setUserAuthentication() with AuthenticationType.None would inadvertently make accounts required.

  • Fixed a TypeScript bug where using setUserAuthentication() with authentication types like OAuth2 would give TypeScript errors even for valid definitions.

  • Parse XML fetcher responses to JSON for respones with content type application/xml. Previously only text/xml worked.


Fixed a bug preventing coda init from working.


The pack builder now sets a default connection (account) requirement when you specify authentication. Normally, to indicate on a particular formula or sync table that an account is required, you manually specify a connectionRequirement option. To simplify the common case, when you call pack.setUserAuthentication() or pack.setSystemAuthentication(), all of the formulas and sync tables in your pack will be set to use ConnectionRequirement.Required unless that formula/sync explicitly defines a different connectionRequirement.

If you wish to use a different default, you can supply a defaultConnectionRequirement option to setUserAuthentication() or setSystemAuthentication().

export const pack = newPack();

// Implicitly sets all formulas and sync tables to use `connectionRequirement: ConnectionRequirement.Required`.
pack.setUserAuthentication({type: AuthenticationType.HeaderBearerToken});
// OR, to use a different default:
  type: AuthenticationType.HeaderBearerToken,
  defaultConnectionRequirememnt: ConnectionRequirement.None,



TypedStandardFormula renamed to Formula (TypeScript only)

The type TypedStandardFormula, which is the type used for the formulas array in main PackVersionDefinition type has been renamed Formula to be simpler and more intuitive.


Metadata formulas no longer need to be wrapped in makeMetadataFormula().

Packs support various kinds of "metadata formulas", which aren't explicitly callable by the user but provide supporting functionality to the pack. Examples of these include getConnectionName in the authentication section of a pack def, autocomplete for formula and sync parameters, and getSchema for dynamic sync tables.

You now need only provide the JavaScript function that implements your metadata formula, and the SDK will wrap it in makeMetadataFormula() on your behalf.

// Old
makeParameter({type: ParameterTypeString, name: 'p', autocomplete: makeMetadataFormula(async (context, search) => ...)});

// New
makeParameter({type: ParameterTypeString, name: 'p', autocomplete: async (context, search) => ...});
// Old
export const pack: PackVersionDefinition = {
  defaultAuthentication: {
    type: AuthenticationType.HeaderBearerToken,
    getConnectionName: makeMetadataFormula(async (context, search) => {

// New
export const pack = newPack();

  type: AuthenticationType.HeaderBearerToken,
  getConnectionName: async (context, search) => {

Additionally, if you are only using hardcoded values for your autocomplete options, you may specify them directly without needing to wrap them in a function. The SDK will create a function on your behalf that searches over the given options.

  autocomplete: ['apple', 'banana'],

// Or

  autocomplete: [{display: 'Apple', value: 1}, {display: 'Banana', value: 2}],

The one caveat is that if you need to override the default connectionRequirement for a metadata formula, you will still need to use makeMetadataFormula(fn, {connectionRequirement}) to provide that override. This is very rare, but it is sometimes needed for autocomplete formulas that need not use authentication even when the parent formula does.


Clarity around sync table identities

makeSyncTable() now takes a top-level field identityName, replacing the identity field on the sync table's schema. To migrate, you can simply remove the identity field of your schema and move the identity name string to the new identityName value.

The identity name is essentially the unique id for a sync table. It is also used if you want to return objects from other syncs or formulas that reference rows in this single table. To do that, you would use this identity name in the identity field of the schema for that other formula/sync.

// Old
  name: 'MySync',
  schema: makeObjectSchema({
    identity: {name: 'MyIdentity'},
  formula: ...

// New
  name: 'MySync',
  identityName: 'MyIdentity',
  schema: makeObjectSchema({
  formula: ...


makeSyncTable() now accepts a single parameter dictionary instead of having some positional parameters first.

This eliminates an inconsistency between this function and most similar wrapper functions elsewhere in the SDK.

To migrate existing usage:

// Old
makeSyncTable('Name', {<schema>}, {<formula>});

// New
makeSynctable({name: 'Name', schema: {<schema>}, formula: {<formula>}});

If you wish to continue using the old syntax (temporarily while we still support it), you can simply update your imports to this and leave your code unchanged:

import {makeSyncTableLegacy as makeSyncTable} from '@codahq/packs-sdk/dist/legacy_exports';

The new syntax has also been applied to the pack builder's addSyncTable() method.

makeParameter() type input change

The recently-introduced wrapper makeParameter() used a confusing input enum for the parameter type that was largely drawn from an internal representation parameters. It has been changed to use a new enum that is specific to parameters.

// Old
makeParameter({type: Type.string, name: 'param', ...});
// New
makeParameter({type: ParameterType.String, name: 'param', ...});

// Old
makeParameter({arrayType: Type.string, name: 'param', ...});
// New
makeParameter({type: ParameterType.StringArray, name: 'param', ...});


Beginning of alpha versioning.