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How to troubleshoot your code


You can log messages using the standard JavaScript logging method, console.log().

let response = context.fetcher.fetch({
  method: "GET",
  url: ""
let items = response.body.items;
console.log("Retrieved %s items.", items.length);

When executing a Pack locally these logs will be written to the console, and when run in a doc they will be visible in the Pack maker tools. This can be useful for debugging during development as well as in production.

The Packs runtime only includes a subset of the full console methods, specifically:

  • console.debug()
  • console.error()
  • console.log()
  • console.trace()
  • console.warn()

Common errors

The given domain <domain> does not resolve to a public IP

This error indicates that the domain you provided in an addNetworkDomain() call doesn't resolved to an accessible IP address. This could be due to a typo in the domain name. However there are some cases where a service assigns IP addresses to subdomains ( but not the root domain you are trying to add ( If that is the case, either add the subdomain or contact support to have the root domain manually added to your Pack.